Portfolio Management

Are You Looking For An Approach Adaptable To Your Level Of Involvement In The Management Of Your Portfolio? Open Wealth Financial Allows You To Choose How Much You Would Like To Delegate.

Whether you wish to manage your assets yourself, as you are already well-informed on market trends, do it in collaboration with our specialists, or just eliminate the day-to-day hassle of portfolio management, we can provide you with the solution most adapted to your needs, and expectations. Open Wealth Financial Management has two portfolio management solutions at your disposal:

Advisory Services will supply you with our specialists’ recommendations for investing in the capital markets, afford you assistance in the management of your portfolio and provide careful monitoring of your positions.

You want to play a key role in managing your assets but would like active monitoring of your positions and advice from our specialists? With our Advisory Services, you maintain a privileged relationship with your Private Banker, who takes a hand in managing your portfolio and guides you in your decision-making by providing you with key market information provided by:

  • A team of buy-side analysts who provide detailed sector analysis, and investment and trading lists of stock.
  • An Advisory Desk team which, after a thorough screening process, provides a list of the best picks, investment opportunities and arbitrages as well as recommendation updates.
  • A local trading desk providing efficient execution on all instruments.
Our Advisory Desk offers you solutions that vary according to your desired degree of involvement. No matter what you choose, you will benefit from our proprietary portfolio construction method as well as a regular and personalized review of your wealth situation, while at the same time always remaining abreast of market opportunities
Discretionary Portfolio Management (DPM) allows you to delegate the management of your portfolio to our management teams.

Evolving financial markets are complex and require considerable involvement and analysis. Similarly, the opportunities and risks inherent to investments require constant attention. And yet, your time is precious

When you choose to use our Discretionary Portfolio Management, you delegate the analysis, selection of the best investments and constant monitoring of your portfolio to our team of portfolio managers, who leverage not only their own experience and savoir-faire but also the expertise of numerous financial specialists (in investment strategy, asset allocation, etc.). To make the most of every investment opportunity, we implement active management to respond to market changes and to meet your investment objectives and fulfil your wishes in terms of return and risk.

We offer you a global service and tailored assistance through our wide range of asset allocation solutions, thematic mandates and our bespoke portfolio management offering, providing you with a whole spectrum of investment styles suitable for your investor profile

We offer Global commodity brokerage services, managed futures consultation, direct access trading, and trading system execution services to individuals, corporations and industry professionals.

Contact Us
  • 1 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, 10038

  • +1 984 733-3354

  • info@openwealthfinancials.com

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